What are the dues that I pay used for?
Your dues are used for many different things including but not limited to:
- Grievance settlements including lawyer fees based on violations of the collective agreements, human rights and WSIB which can be very expensive.
- Operations at the hall which include wages, collective bargaining, meetings and conferences, upkeep on properties, mail outs, promotional items, utilities, taxes etc.
- Financial statements are available at the hall for all members to view.
I am a new member, when do my benefits start?
When you begin to work for an employer they remit on your behalf a negotiated amount to the health and welfare plan. Once you’ve accumulated the required amount in your eligibility bank and this amount is processed by the Health and Welfare office you will be an active member of the plan and as such in benefits. For example, if you work enough hours in January, the employer must remit by the end of February, and you will become eligible March 1. For more specific information you can contact Benefit Services at 705-805-5601 or benefits493@liunalocal493.ca
Does the benefit plan cover retirees/pensioners?
Yes it does. Please call the Health and Welfare administrator at 705-805-5601 or benefits493@liunalocal493.ca for more information.
How do I find out how much money is in my eligibility bank?
You can call the Health and Welfare department at 705-805-5601 or 1-855-942-9937 (toll free). It is recommended that you check on your eligibility status in periods of lay off to confirm the status of your eligibility bank. It is also suggested that your confirm your coverage prior to retaining services (ie dental, vision etc).
When does my pension become active in Local 493?
In Local 493 most of our collective agreements have 2 separate and distinct pensions, one called a defined benefit pension through the LiUNA Pension Fund of Central and Eastern Canada and a defined contribution Supplemental Pension, through Manulife. Once you start working for an employer and the pension plan receives the monies from them you immediately become a member of the plan as per the immediate vesting rule of July 1, 2012.
When do I pay my dues?
When you are working for an employer then the employer will deduct it off your cheque and remit it to the union. When you are not working it is your responsibility to pay your own dues, failure to do so may result in a suspension which means your benefits are suspended as well as access to the out of work list. You may be suspended on the first day of the 3rd month if you fail to pay your dues. Keep in contact with the hall so that doesn’t happen.
How do I get work through the union?
As long as you are a member in good standing and on the out of work list you are eligible for work through the local. Once the local receives a job order from an employer our dispatcher will look at the request as per the amount of manpower needed and skill sets and qualifications required and then view the list and call members with the required skills in order to fill the job.
It is not necessarily what number you are on the list but rather the skills you possess that will get you dispatched to work. For this reason it is important that you attend all the training we offer you (free of charge) and remember to keep your qualification form updated.
How big is the Labourers Union?
We are across North America with over 600, 000 members in over 400 locals. In Ontario alone we are almost 90,000 members.
Can I work in other locals?
Yes, you can as long as you are a full member and have been in the union for at least 6 months and your monthly dues are paid in full for the month you wish to transfer. If these are all fulfilled you are able to transfer your card anywhere in North America.
How much does it cost me for training through the local?
Once you become a member of the local all training is provided to you free of charge. It is very important to keep all your certificates, tickets, indoctrinations, lisences, etc. current and updated at the hall so that we have an accurate file on your qualifications, skills and training.